/** * Definition for ListNode. * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next; * ListNode(int val) { * this.val = val; * this.next = null; * } * } */publicclassSolution { /** * @param lists: a list of ListNode * @return: The head of one sorted list. */publicListNodemergeKLists(List<ListNode> lists) { if (lists ==null||lists.size() ==0)returnnull;returnmergeHelper(lists,0,lists.size() -1); }privateListNodemergeHelper(List<ListNode> lists,int start,int end) {if (start == end) returnlists.get(start);int mid = start + (end - start) /2;ListNode leftHalf =mergeHelper(lists, start, mid);ListNode rightHalf =mergeHelper(lists, mid +1, end);returnmergeTwoLists(leftHalf, rightHalf); }// from Merge Two Sorted ListsprivateListNodemergeTwoLists(ListNode l1,ListNode l2) {ListNode dummy =newListNode(0);ListNode cur = dummy;while (l1 !=null&& l2 !=null) {if (l1.val<l2.val) {cur.next= l1; l1 =l1.next; } else {cur.next= l2; l2 =l2.next; } cur =cur.next; }if (l1 ==null) cur.next= l2;if (l2 ==null) cur.next= l1;returndummy.next; }}
This solution uses divide and conquer.
Let k be the number of lists and n be the number of nodes in a list on average, then the time complexity is O(nk * log(k)). Also, the recursion uses the stack space, which is O(n).
Solution 2 (Java)
/** * Definition for ListNode. * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next; * ListNode(int val) { * this.val = val; * this.next = null; * } * } */publicclassSolution { /** * @param lists: a list of ListNode * @return: The head of one sorted list. */publicListNodemergeKLists(List<ListNode> lists) { if (lists ==null||lists.size() ==0)returnnull;Queue<ListNode> heap =newPriorityQueue<ListNode>(lists.size(), ListNodeComparator);for (int i =0; i <lists.size(); i++) {if (lists.get(i) !=null)heap.add(lists.get(i)); }ListNode dummy =newListNode(0);ListNode cur = dummy;while (!heap.isEmpty()) {ListNode head =heap.poll();cur.next= head; cur =cur.next;if (head.next!=null)heap.add(head.next); }returndummy.next; }privateComparator<ListNode> ListNodeComparator =newComparator<ListNode>() {publicintcompare(ListNode left,ListNode right) {returnleft.val-right.val; } };}
This solution uses a minimum heap with the size of the lists. Each time, we grab a node from each list and add the smallest one to the linked list by the property of the min heap.
Solution 3 (Java)
/** * Definition for ListNode. * public class ListNode { * int val; * ListNode next; * ListNode(int val) { * this.val = val; * this.next = null; * } * } */publicclassSolution { /** * @param lists: a list of ListNode * @return: The head of one sorted list. */publicListNodemergeKLists(List<ListNode> lists) { if (lists ==null||lists.size() ==0)returnnull;while (lists.size() >1) {List<ListNode> newLists =newArrayList<ListNode>();for (int i =0; i +1<lists.size(); i+=2) {ListNode twoMergedLists =mergeTwoLists(lists.get(i),lists.get(i+1));newLists.add(twoMergedLists); }if (lists.size() %2==1) {newLists.add(lists.get(lists.size() -1)); } lists = newLists; }returnlists.get(0); }// from Merge Two Sorted ListsprivateListNodemergeTwoLists(ListNode l1,ListNode l2) {ListNode dummy =newListNode(0);ListNode cur = dummy;while (l1 !=null&& l2 !=null) {if (l1.val<l2.val) {cur.next= l1; l1 =l1.next; } else {cur.next= l2; l2 =l2.next; } cur =cur.next; }if (l1 ==null) cur.next= l2;if (l2 ==null) cur.next= l1;returndummy.next; }}
This solution is straightforward. We simply merge the lists two by two, which is similar to a playoffs elimination table.